
11:09 AM Unknown 2 Comments

Yeah… easier said than done right?  It’s easy to relax when everything is going your way.  It’s easy to relax when you don’t have to think about finances.  It’s easy to relax when you’ve got a great job. It’s easy to relax when you’re healthy. It’s easy to relax when everything with your family is just peachy. 

But what about when that’s not the case?  How in the heck are we supposed to R E L A X when it seems like we just can’t catch a break?  How in the heck are we supposed to  R E L A X when we’re just busy trying to stay above water?  UGHHHHHH LIFE IS HARD SOMETIMES. 

Welcome to my least warm and fuzzy post yet.  haha – no but let’s GET REAL for a minute.   

I’ve lived and worked in LA for a little over two years now.  There have been super high highs… and super low lows.  It’s a part of the industry that you just can’t escape.  It’s what I signed up for when my hubby and I decided to take a leap of faith and move across the country because we knew it was what God was calling us to do.   We knew it wouldn’t be easy, we knew it’d be a constant hustle… and let me tell you – that couldn’t be truer. 

I’m typically a super positive person.  The glass is always half full, I chose to see the best in people… in situations… it’s how I live my life.  –And when everything is going great it’s easy to be that way.  It’s easy for me to encourage others when I feel encouraged.  But if there’s one thing God has been teaching me over the past year, it’s how to live that way REGARDLESS of circumstance.  

To be honest, in the last few months there have been MANY circumstances that have not gone my way.  In fact they’ve gone the opposite of “my way.”  I’ve been left confused, stressed out, uncertain, and frustrated.   

I’d love to say that I’ve moved past that place… that I’m writing this blog from a proverbial “mountain top,” but I’m not.   I’m writing from the valley.  Yep.  Still here.


What’s different about me now than me a few months ago?  It’s my perspective.  I’m choosing to embrace where I'm at.  I’m fully aware of the valley I find myself in… I’ve also never been more fully aware that God is in control.  My weakness is present so that I can learn to more completely rely on Him.  So that that when those mountaintop moments happen, I know it’s because of God’s hand on my life, God’s favor, God’s purpose… not my own.  

My joy is NOT a direct result of my circumstance…. My joy come’s from the Lord.  No matter what my current view is like – I am able to CHOOSE JOY.   And when I do, it’s crazy how God’s peace just overwhelms me in that moment.  It happened just this morning!  Seriously, God is so good! 

Okay… I should be wrapping this thing up right about now.  I share all of this with you to hopefully offer you some encouragement.  

#1. You're not alone 
#2. Our weakness is an opportunity to become more aware of God's presence in our lives 
#3.  Choose to find joy in your weakest moments and allow God to sustain you through them - cause He actually will! :)  

  I’ll close with a little paraphrase of verses that have been super encouraging to me lately:

I am still confident of this:  I will see the goodness of the Lord.  Wait for the Him; be strong and take heart.  The eternal God is our refuge.

Psalm 27:13+14, Deut. 33:27


Mario Lopez Interview | People Who Inspire Ep. 3

8:37 AM Unknown 1 Comments

You guys!  I am so excited to have Mario Lopez with me for an all new episode of People Who Inspire.  If you're like me, then you grew up watching him on Saved By the Bell, so I must admit... sitting on set at EXTRA interviewing him was a bit surreal (in the best way possible!).  

I have had the chance to get to know him over the past of couple years, while working at EXTRA, and I've been so inspired by not only how gracious and talented he is - but by how hard he works.  Literally the hardest working person I've ever met!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy getting to know him a bit more. :)

Be sure to check him out weekdays on EXTRA as well as on social media at @MarioLopezExtra (He posts on Instagram more than I do! LOL). Of course, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you haven't yet for more videos just like this! :)


Wedding Guest Makeup Tutorial

8:38 AM Unknown 5 Comments

It's officially WEDDING SEASON! I was so excited to attend my cousin's big, fabulous Persian wedding last week and I thought I'd film a little Get Ready With Me / Wedding Guest Makeup tutorial video. :) Hope you guys like it! Scroll down for links to all the products used.


Lisa Daftari Interview | People Who Inspire Ep. 2

7:37 AM Unknown 0 Comments

 Welcome back to Episode 2 of People Who Inspire!!!

Today Lisa Daftari is joining me, and she is LEGENDARY!  You've probably seen her on FOX News, or the numerous other media outlets that she contributes to - as she's an expert on Counter Terrorism, Middle East Politics, and much more.  She is not only SO SMART but one of the most empowering women I've ever had the blessing of knowing.  Lisa is a daily inspiration to me personally, so of course I had to share her with all of you!

If you're interested in hearing more about why it was on my heart to start this series, check out my "announcement video" by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a_IJLoTiNQ

*Lisa's Info*
Instagram: @LisaDaftari
Website: www.foreigndesknews.com
Personal Website: www.LisaDaftari.com


Dirty Hair Hairstyles

5:15 PM Unknown 29 Comments

Hey friends!  So we've all had those days where we just DO NOT FEEL LIKE styling our hair.  I have those days QUITE often - hence the idea for this video!  These are my top 4 dirty hair hairstyles.  Let me know which one is your fav in the comments below! :)


People Who Inspire Ep. 1

3:47 AM Unknown 1 Comments

Hello friends!!!! Today is SUCH an exciting day for me because I could NOT be more excited to launch my brand new series:  People Who Inspire.  Earlier this week I posted a video explaining why I was inspired to begin this series, so if you haven't seen that yet I'd definitely suggest checking it out (CLICK HERE to do so) before you watch Episode 1 below.  

Today's guest, Sazan Hendrix, is super inspiring to me on MANY levels and I know you will feel the same after watching this.  She's a world famous blogger, a YouTuber, a Host, and so much more.  I hope you enjoy episode 1 of People Who Inspire! :) xo

Sazan's Info

Instagram: @SazanHendrix

YouTube: www.youtube.com/SazanBarzani

Website: www.Sazan.me



11:49 AM Unknown 1 Comments

Time for a VERY special announcement!  This is something I've been waiting to share with you for some time and I am SO EXCITED to finally be posting it.  Check out the video below for deets. :) xo


#OOTD Recap | NYC Trip

11:20 AM Unknown 2 Comments

Better late than never right? :)  

Soooooo... if you follow me on instagram, or facebook, or snapchat... or any social media outlet - then you know that my hubby and I took a SUPER FABULOUS trip to NYC last weekend.  I say SUPER FABULOUS because it really was an incredible trip.  I attended the most amazingly lavish wedding I have ever been to, met with some serious "movers and shakers" in the industry, appeared on the Wendy Williams show, and even got to explore some NYC charm (bagels included). 

That being said, I thought I'd do a fun little recap of my trip in the form of outfit breakdowns! I had to pack A TON of clothing because we were literally doing everything from black tie events, to trekking around town.  

When it comes to travel - I always like to look put together.  You NEVER know who you'll meet on the airplane so I'm not one of the people who just throws in pjs for a red eye flight.  I like to be COMFY but still feel cute. :) This combo of leggings, hat, sneakers was perf!


So we arrived in NYC early Friday morning... THANK GOD I was able to sleep on the plane because we hit the ground running!  First stop - COFFEEEEEE!   These sneakers ended up being a LIFE SAVER for me because we walked SOOOOOOOO much while we were there.  The weather was also kinda finicky, it'd be super chilly and then we'd get warm from all the walking we were doing... so layers were a MUST (hence the flannel around my waist, it was NEEDED!).


After a nice little breakfast I had to quick change into something a little more professional for my meetings that afternoon. I traded out my sneakers for some heels, changed into a blazer/tee combo, layered the jewels and added a touch of glam. :) I'm kicking myself for not getting a full outfit pic on this one, but I linked to everything (or similar) in the "Get the Look" section below. 


Saturday = WEDDING TIME!  One of my best friends from Jacksonville (who has since moved back to NYC) was getting hitched and there was no way I could miss her big day!  The ceremony took place in Conneticut and then everyone was bused back to Rockefeller Center/The Rainbow Room for the reception.  It was an INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL evening... and as I mentioned before - black tie.  Listen, I never turn down an opportunity to wear a gown! :)


Not gonna lie... I had the hottest date at the wedding! :)

Oh and shout out to the Lawrence brothers who I couldn't resist snagging a picture with... I definitely had a poster of Joey Lawrence - mullet and all - hanging on my wall as a teenager. #BOPmagazine


Wakey Wakey... time for brunch in the city with one of my FAVORITEEEEE hosts/personalities/friends... Micah Jesse!

I wanted to be comfortable, but I knew we'd be exploring/snapping pics so I wanted to feel cute. :) Also, I did NOT want to wash my hair yet so I had to improvise with a sleek pony tail.


Our final day in NYC was packed full of meetings and my appearance on The Wendy Williams show (WHICH WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!).

When it came to my meetings, again I wanted to look casual but still put together. This safari style vest thingy from Bebe is my new favorite wardrobe addition.  I'm OBSESSED with it!!!  I linked directly to it in the "get the look" section below.


Now what in the heck does a girl wear on The Wendy Williams Show?!?!  Something SUPER FAB of course!

My amazing stylist, Shelby from Night Cap PR, made sure I was chic chic chic.  Nothing looks cleaner on camera than a gorgeous WHITE and this dress by MASON was perfection.  I'm so obsessed with it that I'll be wearing the same thing in pink on EXTRA next week. :)

I paired it with Stuart Weitzman nudist heels and called it a day! Wendy loved it!


And rounding out the trip was a stop at Tim Hortons for some coffee.  By this point we were EXHAUSTED and I wanted to be as comfortable as possible. Literally.  Cue comfy jeans, oversized sweater & sneakers.


Phew... and we are DONE! If you guys only knew how long this just took me to link all the products! LOL  

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post and were inspired to try out some of these looks on yourself! :) love you all! xo, Shae



11:25 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Unless you've been living under a rock, or have been purposely tuning out the DRAMAAAAA - you've probably heard about the craziness going on at the LIVE With Kelly and Michael show.  Well this week I brought the latest scoop to The Wendy Williams show.  We also talked Kylie Jenner & Black Chyna.... or I guess I should say I talked Kylie Jenner and Black Chyna because Wendy wasn't havin' it! LOL

Watch it all back right here:


The PERFECT Spring Makeup Look

4:33 PM Unknown 0 Comments

YESSSS Spring is OFFICIALLY here which means BREAK OUT THE BOLD LIP COLORS!!!! :)  (That is... if you haven't been wearing them all year round like I have!)  Anyway, I wanted to share with you all my go-to Spring Makeup Look.  It's super versatile and can be changed up just by going with a different color on the lip!  Hope ya like this tutorial and, as usual, scroll down to shop the post! :) xo
















The Ultimate Girl Boss

4:45 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I know I'm a day or so late but I couldn't let this time pass without a pause to mention my favorite time of year - PURIM

During this holiday we remember the story of Queen Esther, who is quite possibly the most remarkable human to ever walk this earth. 
She was a queen who knew the power of when to speak and when to remain silent - and because of it she saved an entire nation: The Jewish people.  If it weren't for her courage I wouldn't be here... My people would have been wiped off the earth thousands of years ago. 
Esther is the ultimate #girlboss and her story serves as a reminder that God has placed me - and everyone else - on earth "for such a time as this," for THIS specific time in history. We all have a purpose to fulfill if we have the courage to pursue it.  

Now, I will take this opportunity to have hamantaschen for breakfast - the traditional "Purim cookie." :)


Top 3 Fav Highlighters

10:42 AM Unknown 0 Comments

It's ALL ABOUT DAT GLOWWWWWWW.  At least for me it is! :) There isn't much I love more (in the makeup world) than a super gorgeous, glowy highlighter.  Today I'm revealing my TOP 3 highlighters which also happen to be the 3 I use on a daily basis.  I'm also kinda combining this with a tutorial as I show you exactly how I apply each of the highlights to my face.

Hope ya like it!  [Scroll down to shop the post]



Get To Know Me

10:31 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey friends! So last time I took suggestions as far as what type of videos you wanted to see - I got a lot of requests for a "get to know me" type vlog... so HERE IT IS! Complete with real life confessions, old embarrassing photos, and even a lil look at my wedding video from 10 YEARS AGO! :) Hope ya like it & don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!


Workout Essentials

5:09 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Okay so if you've been following me for a little while you know two things.  

#1. I've been making my best effort to workout regularly.  
#2. I hate working out.  HATE.

I'm just not one of those people who gets really into it, or looks forward to my work outs.  I have, however, decided that regardless of if I WANT to... I NEED to workout.  :)

Which brings me to this post.  Today I'm sharing a few of my workout essentials. 

First item on my list - CUTE WORKOUT CLOTHES!
  I discovered this brand @puppiesmakemehappy on Instagram and fell in LOVE with their entire line.   It's workout gear - covered in PUPPIES!!! I mean, is there anything better than that?!?
If only I could find a way to get Sasha's face on there, it'd be perfect!  :)

And GUESS WHAT?!?!  @PuppiesMakeMeHappy is giving my followers 20% off of their ENTIRE SITE!  Use code SHAE20 when you're checking out. 

 Really though... I find having cute workout clothes is half the battle of motivating myself to go workout.  Superficial as it sounds... it's true.   Listen, I'm gonna be sweating, making weird faces while I'm lifting weights, feeling very UN CUTE while at the gym, at least I'd like to feel confident in my outfit ya know?

Number 2 MUST HAVE - a workout buddy! 
I seriously would not workout HALF as much as I do if it weren't for this girly right here - Giselle Ugarte.  (She's also a super talented YouTuber - click here to watch some of her makeup videos!) I basically just do what she tells me the second we step in to the gym.  Giselle makes working out fun for me... also having a workout buddy brings some accountability into the situation which really makes a difference!

Next up on my "workout must haves" list these goodies below...

Since I am fairly new to working out on a regular basis, I couldn't rationalize spending hundreds on gym shoes.  These Adidas sneakers I found at ROSS, literally for like $30 bucks!  #score

I quickly realized after a few trips to LA fitness that a Yoga Mat is a MUST HAVE.  I like to do workouts on my own with free weights and there's nothing that grosses me out more than grabbing a mat at the gym only to realize it's damp and sweaty from the person who used it before you.  Literally... I'm gagging just thinking about it!  This colorful mat was another ROSS find, under $10! :)

A water bottle is a given, but I love this one by Naigene because it's HUGE!  It holds 48 ounces of water which lasts me my entire workout. 

Lastly, and most importantly - I need WORKOUT MUSIC!

The NEXT RADIO APP is literally the MOST CONVENIENT way to listen to music without draining your battery OR data plan.   

It connects directly to local FM radio stations so you can listen while you work out without using all the data that Pandora or Spotify uses. #GENIUS!  Visit their website for more info! :)  http://www.nextradioapp.com

Que me dancing on the elliptical.


Drugstore Makeup Routine

12:30 AM Unknown 0 Comments

So this has probably been one of the MOST REQUESTED looks I've received lately - a *DRUG STORE* makeup routine.  I really enjoyed this tutorial because it gave me the opportunity to try some new products - some that I LOVED, and some that I wasn't a fan of. I hope you like it & let me know what YOUR fav drugstore products are in the comments below!  (SCROLL DOWN TO SHOP THE POST)